Welcome to #HerStory Continues

What is #HerStory? I’m so glad that you asked. As you continue to read this article you will find out soon enough, but first I want to ask you a question. Have you ever met someone going through a difficult moment in their life? Wishing that you had the power to resolve their situation. Better yet, have you ever wished you had the ability to resolve some situations in your own life? I’m sure your answer is “Yes”. 

For me, helping others gives me a sense of purpose. It feeds my passion. Knowing that I have helped someone through a difficult moment in their life. As you read this article, I hope that you will reflect on the different moments of your life. Realizing that your life has a purpose.   

God has a way of choosing those who were rejected and overlooked by many; unqualified by most. Be confident to know that God has already affirmed who you are and what you will become. Helping others is a passion that I can’t quite articulate into words. Simply because there are no words that I could use to describe this God’s size passion that has been placed within me. 

It’s a place of uncertainty but yet it’s a place of assurance. I’m assured that God has graced me for this moment. Are you asking yourself “ What moment is she referring to?” Keep reading, we’re almost there.

Have ever felt that you were living in the shadows of someone else’s life? If so, be encouraged to know that God develops his best-kept secrets in the shadows. Preparing us for an assignment that we didn’t ask for but it’s an assignment that we were called for. 

Even after our past mistakes, rejection, and failures. You are not your mistake, you are not the person you were years ago, you’re not even the same person you were yesterday. We are constantly evolving. The challenges that we face were for us to gain wisdom. To encourage someone else.

I will share a portion of my story which will lead me into “What is #HerStory”. Nearly 20 years ago before salvation, I was seemingly “Living My Best Life” but in reality, I was a broken vessel with an echo in my heart. Simply existing because my life was empty without God. 


I smiled on the outside with no sense of purpose on the inside. Because there was a God size hole in my life that no person or substance could fill. That, which was broken pieces to me, were puzzle pieces to God

Putting together one piece at a time, forming His masterpiece. God saw the broken vessel behind the smile. But yet, He positioned my life to help others. I thought, “How could I help others when I desperately needed someone to help me?”. 

Not realizing that while God was using me to pour into people, he was pouring into to me. Stirring up the gift that he placed within me. In 2002, I had an encounter with God. That moment was a game changer for me. The moment when God gives you another chance to have a fresh start. 

I encourage you to grab a hold of that moment like your life depends on it, because it does. Our future existence is in God’s hands. We have to be willing to grant him access to our hearts. Despite the mistakes I’ve encountered in my past, God never turned his back on me. He can do the same for you. Some of us may feel as though we didn’t deserve the hand we were dealt. Wondering “Why me?”… but why not you? 

God knows right where you are. If no one else understands, God knows. Someone once said, “Sometimes God allows us to hit rock bottom so that we can discover that He is the rock at the bottom” that quote spoke volumes to my life. 

Reminded me to gain strength from Him within my moment of pain. Over time, I have gained wisdom. By no means have I arrived. As if I have life all figured out, but by all means, I have grown spiritually. I’m not the same person I use to be. I desire to help other women find their pathway to purpose. 

Now, for the moment you have been waiting for “What is #HerStory?”. It’s a Non-profit Organization that was birth from a place of passion. #HerStory is a platform that is designed to pour into the lives of ladies. To know their self-worth and to add value to who they are. With inspiring words that will Equip, Encourage and Empower women of all ages, from all walks of life. 

To reach their greatest potential. While acknowledging the fact that all of us have a story. We can’t turn back the hands of time and change those moments of our past but we can choose to outlive those moments; of whom we use to be. Knowing that your past does not define you and that you were created for a GREATER purpose.

I can confidently say, I have found my purpose. I encourage you to take this journey with me and the other women just like you. As we trust God to place us in alignment to collide with destiny. Discovering our reason for existence. There is power in connectivity and our destiny awaits….


Join the movement. 


My Story - When My Faith Collides With Fear


Don’t Count Me Out