Don’t Forget your Crown

Hey, you! Let's chat. I'm just going to dive right into it. But, first, I want to say that life has taught me a WHOLE NEW level of appreciation in so many ways. I think it's fair to say that EVERYONE grew up in 2020 during Covid-19 in some way, shape, or form. It was a year of learning and maturity among so many other insightful lessons. I learned so much about myself and to truly value relationships. I've learned even more about how precious life is and not taking those precious moments for granted. 

Many families have endured the pain of losing people that were near and dear to their hearts. I am among the thousands of families; I have also endured the loss of several family members and friends who I loved dearly. Though the pain is beyond words. The thing that brings me comfort is reflecting on the good memories that I shared with each one of them. I loved them all and hugged them often. They will forever live on in my heart. 

For the month of December, I took some time to seek the presence of God for guidance as we entered the year 2021. During my time of prayer, God spoke one word. That resonated with my heart. He said, "Alignment." which means to adjust, putting things in order. God didn't say RE-alignment because He doesn't want to align what was already in place. He wants to align some things in our lives that have never been aligned before.

But in order for alignment to occur, some barriers will need to be broken off of our lives. Some may ask, what is a barrier? It's an obstacle that refrains you from moving forward, preventing progress. Those barriers can be fear, denial, negative attitude, sinful nature, or unforgiveness, just to name a few, that may be hindering your personal development and your spiritual growth.

Or maybe you're holding onto a relationship that has come to an end, but you refuse to let go. Even though God has made it clear that it's time for you to move forward, you're evolving, but the person you're in the relationship with is not, but you refuse to let go. There are also toxic friendships that could hinder your personal growth and development.

So I want to pose a question to you. What barriers are attached to your life that are preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself? I believe that many of us desire to change. We want things to be different, and we want MORE out to life. So I encourage you to search within yourself to discover what you really want out of life? God desires for us to trust Him at His word and surrender our control to God. 

If you want your life to be different, you have to align your actions with your words. When you begin to change your mindset, then you will change your behavior. The moment when you change your behavior, you will change your outcome. 

God has a purpose and a plan for all of our lives, and we have to decide whether or not we will put on our crown and walk in purpose. I challenge you to choose a word for the year that will be the driving force to motivate you on your journey of living a purpose-filled life. My word for the year is "Fearless. "I chose the word fearless because I often allowed fear to hinder me in so many ways, preventing me from walking in purpose.

I wasted so much time walking in fear, missing opportunities because I was afraid. I didn't feel confident or qualified to walk through the doors that God was opening, and I allowed fear to hinder me when I should have been walking in abundance. But I refuse to lose; I refuse to listen to my inner critic, but I must say that it took me a minute (more like years) to get to this point in my life where I'm in HOT pursuit of my purpose—holding NOTHING BACK.

My focus is on aligning my heart's desire with the will of God for my life. Shying away from my comfort zone and pursuing a purpose-filled life, no longer allowing fear to control my life or hinder my progress. I have decided to take back that control. I would encourage you to do the same of taking back the control from your inner critic, surrendering your purpose to God, aligning your heart with the will of God for your life. God calls you worthy; rise up, Queen, there's a crown that belongs to you.  

I must say that it's going to require consistency, focus, discipline, and commitment, just to name a few. If you desire better, stay TRUE to yourself, and INVEST in yourself. Your personal growth will require you to sharpen your skills by reading books within your niche, taking classes, getting a Mentor or Life Coach to help guide you and hold you accountable on your journey. There has to be a shift in your MINDSET.

In order for alignment to take place in your life, some barriers have to be broken before you can move forward. As I mentioned, there are a group of people who desire to move forward in the things of God. In contrast, some people refuse to release the things that are HOLDING them back. But they wonder why every time to take two steps forward, they get knocked ten steps back because those barriers are blocking the flow of God in their lives. 

God wants you to eliminate those things in your life that don't contribute to your spiritual growth because He wants to align you to live a purpose-filled life. God desires to manifest something NEW in your life, but you have to make the necessary adjustments to receive the manifestation. God has graced us for this moment of crossing over into something new, but you have to decide how much unnecessary baggage you're going to carry over with you. 

Whenever you want to crossover into something new, you have to release what's holding you. God desires to increase your capacity to receive more, but there has to be a release. CHANGE has to take place. He wants you to change your mindset so that He can change your environment, but there is something about your behavior that needs to change because we can't attract anything NEW if our mannerisms remain the same. 

I encourage you to be intentional about your personal growth and development. Be intentional about taking the time to focus on what you want out of life. Keeping God first in all that you do, and everything in your life will fall into alignment according to the plan of God for your life; Matthew 6:33. 

Well, I have enjoyed our time together, and I want to personally invite you to join our private Facebook Group at HerStory Unplugged and visit us at to connect with us. Because we are in this together, and we will win together.  


Lady C


Don’t Count Me Out